Our Farm

Truxillo Fish Farm began like many farms, fueled by a passion for aquarium fish and cichlids. For those enamored with cichlids, their renowned hardiness and breeding capabilities are well known. This love affair soon led to an unexpected challenge: an explosion of baby fish and the need to find homes for them. What initially started with just 5 or 6 fish tanks rapidly multiplied into dozens overnight. We realized the necessity of moving fish and thus began our journey into breeding, constructing fish racks, establishing a company, and selling cichlids.

For those serious about establishing a legitimate business, the real challenges emerge, particularly with governmental regulations. Beyond the typical hurdles of licensing, permits, taxes, and payroll, we encountered the additional complexity of Wildlife and Fisheries regulations. It became apparent that breeding any fish in Louisiana, let alone African Cichlids, required a license. Even breeding Guppies was prohibited, as they weren't on the approved aquatic breeding species list. Thus, began the laborious process of obtaining approval and permits. To cut a long story short, Truxillo Fish Farm played a pivotal role in not only getting the Rift Lake series approved but also becoming one of the first, and possibly still the only, approved breeder in Louisiana.

Truxillo Fish Farm LLC has thrived for over 10 years now, boasting over 200 aquariums, vats, and greenhouses dedicated to enhancing color. We exclusively use well water in our tanks, prioritize advanced nutrition, and maintain aggressive facility maintenance, including biweekly water changes throughout the farm. This endeavor has been a family project since its inception, continuing as our children pursue higher education.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported us throughout the years. Our mission remains steadfast: to deliver high-quality cichlids across America and beyond.